What you Get with Certification
Facilitator training and certification for one year
Access to all materials and all updates for the year
One year License to print and use materials for workshops that you run
Discover Your Strengths promotional flyers
Strengths Approach Explanation Sheets
Discover Your Strengths workbooks
Discover Your Strengths slide decks
Strengths module slide deck presentation notes
Workshop feedback forms
Connects any strengths or personality test result to Practical Outcomes
Use in Your Own Business
Run as many Workshops as you like at times convenient to You
Includes additional materials not available anywhere else
Complementary to Other Team Building Programs
Developed over many years of running these workshops
Continually improved and updated using workshop feedback
Attendees have taken repeat workshops and gained benefit each time
Developed with independently Certified Strengths and Life Coaches
How To Proceed
Completing your certification is easy.
Contact us today by email to registration@steamexecutive.com with the subject line “Discover Your Strengths Certified Facilitator.
 in your email, include your Name, Email contact, and location, plus a summary of your experience and your business.